Wednesday, June 13, 2007


This week has found me on pins and needles anxiously awaiting the birth of a little boy that I have already come to love so much. His mother is one who time spent with is like traveling. She is unsure of what this child's life holds. Yet, I know one thing for certain - love. For no matter what his mother and daddy decides for their relationship...... she will love him and be there.... The going has already been tough.

As for the "So"....... his mother knows that two letter word like the back of her hand. She says when I use it she knows love follows it no matter what is attached with it. She's right..... I do love her. There is no question about it..... Even if she walks away one day, never to be heard from again.... she will always have it. And so will her child.

So....... who can say that about you? That you will love them no matter what or where they go?

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