Saturday, July 21, 2007

Dancing in the Deep Water

This morning found me dancing in the deep water of the highly secure gated community club's pool with a certain child. She shared with me that she now has a "Spiritual birthday".... She was one of the 42.... She is also a part of the family I requested prayer for in the post called "Funny How That Works Like That"..... She told me, "Ms. Camey? I cannot wait to be discipled." And yes, I had tears streaming down my face.

Funny enough? The boys and I were at the pool then because of my brother and his three children who came to visit us yesterday afternoon. We literally walked in the door from VBS when my mom told us they would be out in just a couple of hours to spend the night with us. We were all beyond tired. They arrived after we woke up from a nap. Yes, all of us took naps....

Funny how that works like that.... where dancing in the deep water can come when one wasn't even expecting to be getting wet less than 24 hours earlier. We had a good time with my brother and his children as well. Funny how that works like that...... yet again.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

SERIOUS DANCING TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There were 42 decisions for Christ TODAY alone!!!!!!!!!

Rumor #10 was DEFINITELY TRUE!

Let the little children come....... THANK YOU LORD!

More Rumors. SERIOUS DANCING TIME!!!!!!!

Here are the rumors floating around today. Again, I think some answers are due.

Rumor #1: Staff members are greatly encouraged to come to the volunteer lounge. TRUE!!! There have been around 150 volunteers this week. What a great way to spend time getting to know each other! Thank you staff and volunteers for the pleasure of serving each one of you.

Rumor #2: Two Harleys were seen going in and out of the room called the sanctuary Wednesday night at VBS Family Night with our Jim and Dawn on them. TRUE! Only this time - all the children knew what to expect. The looks on their faces were still beyond cool.....

Rumor #3: Randal, aka our associate pastor, was forced to ride one of the Harleys in the parking lot. FALSE! He rode it because he feels that good man.

Rumor #4: There were TONS of people at VBS Family Night. TRUE!!! What a crowd! What fun!

Rumor #5: Our volunteers ROCK! TRUE! From decorating, to rockin' babies, chasing toddlers, crew leaders, games, snacks, making sandwiches/cookies, and etc.......

Rumor #6: There has been dancing in our sanctuary. TRUE!!! The children and adults alike are loving the music this week. You honestly cannot help but at least tap your foot people after all... we are in Texas!

Rumor #7: Ms. Cynthia was back in the volunteer lounge today. FALSE. :( She had a migraine. Pray for her. Hopefully she'll be back tomorrow morning.

Rumor #8: There were some off the hook Chicken Salad Sandwiches today. TRUE!!!! They were requested and they showed up big time! If you didn't get one...... I am truly sorry. I hear there will be fudge tomorrow.

Rumor #9: Teenagers and adults alike were using tongs in the lounge. TRUE! If I couldn't serve it... they used tongs to get it for themselves. (read: LAUGH PEOPLE!)

Rumor #10: This is actually the most important one of all. It is currently still being investigated for accurate reporting purposes. I believe there will be some serious dancing time involved if proven true.

ONE MORE DAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Rumors. Taquitos. Serving Him.

There have been a few rumors going around.... I thought I would try to answer a few of them....

Rumor #1: Two Harleys were seen driving in and out of our church Monday morning. TRUE! They rode in and out of the room known as the sanctuary!

Rumor #2: A wiener dog named Sugar sang a special Tuesday morning: FALSE - She did walk across the stage where there's known to be singing. Sugar did not sing... she may have barked. Does that count as singing?

Rumor #3: Doctor J was in G-town today. TRUE! He also made a brief appearance at VBS. For those not in the know... Doctor J is our senior pastor who is supposedly on sabbatical...

Rumor #4: There were breakfast taquitos made by yours truly this morning in the volunteer lounge. TRUE & FALSE! What? I broke the eggs and scrambled the eggs but Ms. Sharon and others did the rest. Team effort all the way. They were served in the volunteer lounge unless you beat the rush and were there by 8:00 a.m.

Rumor #5: There was a woman named Cynthia helping me in the volunteer lounge today. TRUE! Thanks to all who introduced yourself to her. You truly made her feel welcome! Some thought I was nuts for asking a "visitor" to help in the volunteer lounge. Can we made that a macadamia nut please? She'll be back tomorrow... and the day after too.

Rumor #6: There were teenage kids running up and down the hallways today. TRUE! Ryan had them searching for staff members as part of their introduction into student ministry. Our very own Travman had to run to Randal's office, get him to write down on a piece of paper how much weight he has lost AND ALSO tell him he is looking a little skinny. BUT PEOPLE? There are always teenagers running up and down the hallways unless they're in the parking lots. Our teens ROCK! More on that to come.......

Rumor #7: We're having dogs tonight at 6:00 p.m. along with inflatables. TRUE! Sugar, the wiener dog will not be for dinner. That's just gross people! Nor will she be inflated and poured water on so kids can have a sugar ride. What are you people thinking huh?

Rumor #8: We're having our VBS Family Tonight instead of Friday or Sunday nights. TRUE! TRUE!!!!!! Why? Oh common now... If you've EVER worked VBS you know come those nights you are ready for VBS to be a memory. Fond memories. But still memories....... Like the corners of our minds... I apologize profusely if you could possibly hear me singing that in your corner.

Rumor #9: I am writing a book. TRUE & FALSE! What? To some my posts are too long so therefore - TRUE... FALSE! This in no way comes close to how long I can write or talk. (Read: Laugh people if you're not already)

Rumor #10: Serving Him is fun. Harleys? Wiener dogs named Sugar? Inflatables? Taquitos? VBS???? ABSOLUTELY TRUE!!!


Monday, July 16, 2007

Let the Little Children Come Unto Me

This week is VBS at our church. I cannot begin to share with you how many countless hours individuals, whether paid or not, have spent on getting everything ready for this week. The church is decked out..... like nothing I have seen before. And this is not the largest church we've been a part of.....

Sunday morning... as the VBS children's praise team were singing and doing the hand motions to one of the songs for this week's music.... I couldn't help but smile deeply watching adults and teens alike standing up and doing them with the little children.

Sunday night... we served burgers and dogs as a part of an early bird registration. As little children were walking through the line .... when they got to me, asked, "Where do we have to pay?" The looks on their faces, as well as their parents or grandparents, were priceless when I told them they didn't have to. It was free.

This morning.... the looks on the little children's faces as they walked into the room known as the sanctuary.. were that of complete awe. All the chairs were gone and again.... decorated to the hilt! When I was back in the volunteer lounge... where I have the privilege of serving all the volunteers food this week.... I was told that I needed to see what was fixing to happen. As I was standing there with young and old alike.... there THEY came on THEM. Two Harley's with our Jim and Dawn riding on them INTO the SANCTUARY! Our children's minister and preschool minister are flat out amazing! AMAZING! The little children... still talking about it when they left.... talking about how they couldn't wait to see what was going to happen tomorrow at VBS.

Excited.... The little children were excited... they are excited.... Jesus said, "Let the little children come unto me." And to think.... FOUR MORE DAYS!

His little child