Saturday, December 27, 2008

Hope Has A Name!

This morning I had the pleasure of ministering at a memorial service of a dear family friend. Pleasure and a memorial service? They don't sound as if they should go together, but in this case they do without a doubt. That's what can happen when you're walking through life's moments together. While Marion and I never agreed 100% on every single thing - there was a bond that was undeniable. The bond - Jesus.

Marion also brought into my life a woman named Pauline. Pauline is married to Marion's oldest son. Today, I finally had the opportunity to meet her face to face. I sought her out amongst the crowd of other family members that were there. When I told her my name - she grabbed my hand and tears filled her eyes as they did mine. As she stood there with the aid of her trusty cane - we smiled and laughed as sisters can do.

Pauline has been ill for many years now. At times, she is unable to stand. She is in pain and doctors are unable to give her any real sense of hope of being cured. Her illness is not one that is easily explainable. Pauline and I have a bond that is deeper than deeper even though we've never been in the same room until today.

Pauline prayed for me from 1998 to 2003 while I was ill. And I have been praying for her all these years as well. She said to me this morning, "I remember hearing that you had been healed Camey! Here you stand now! Hope knows no end!"

For while I am thankful to have been physically healed, there is truly no comparison between it and Spiritual healing. That is another part of the bond that Marion, Pauline, and I have in common. The last time I saw Marion - he said to me, "You and I both know that I won't be healed this side of Heaven. Just like you knew with your dad. Hope is not found in the world, but only in Jesus."

I'm often asked if I'm afraid of becoming ill again. The answer is simple. No. For even in illness or the best health of my 40 years - my hope is the same. It is not based upon myself or what I can or cannot do. Jesus. My hope is Jesus..... it is in Jesus... it is through Jesus.

Now... back to pleasure and a memorial service.... When Jesus is there - the tears can be ones of joy and happiness!

Hope has a name..... Jesus.

As always - you dear reader have been prayed for...