These are splashes in no particular order:
1) Friday morning was a great surprise! The fellowship hall was packed with individuals coming to see their missionaries off. The energy in the room from all the praying and sharing was better than any drink could possibly provide. Please pray (or continue to) for our missionaries. And yes, my hubby and oldest son Austin are two of them.
2) There are no vans waiting in Kentucky for our missionaries as was planned for tomorrow. Thankfully, there still is the bus. PRAY!
3) The response to those affected by the flooding here locally has been tremendous the last couple of days. If you've participated somehow... someway... Thank you! If you live here and haven't yet.... what are you waiting for?
4) This morning I awoke to the realization that other than normal Saturday stuff - there was nothing else on my calendar. First time in 4 weeks. The younger boys and I enjoyed resting during the morning time. Little did I know the "meetings" that would happen later in the day.
5) Please pray for the check out girl. She is 7 months pregnant. And to think, we almost didn't go into the store. I shared with her about the group. I told her I would be praying for her and would ask others to as well. She teared up majorly. Please join me in praying for her, the unborn child and all involved.
6) The twin boys were at the pool today. And on my... were they being extremely loud. I decided to talk with them about it because they were clearly disrupting other individuals. One of the lifeguards thanked me as did the individuals involved. When the other individuals found out I wasn't their mother, I thought I was going to be told to just mind my own business. Quite the opposite...... When it was time for us to leave - I told one of the boys to take it easy. I also told one of the lifeguards to keep an eye on him. He was pushing himself way too hard to keep up with his twin brother. The lifeguard in question also has a twin brother. HE knows better than I do how to watch over them.
7) Kudos to the younger boys for being so great in the kitchen! Our lessons during lunch and dinner time went rather smoothly. There's nothing like sitting down with them at the table. Conversations are always so lively even when there's just the three of us. They teach me something new every single day.
8) Tonight I am working on a project for hubby. I am honored to be his assistant. He has called or texted me several times today. Not because of the project.... he is just that way. He loves me and our family like that. The coolest thing though - his love for Christ. I am thankful to come second after Him.
9) It has been hot, sunny and gorgeous here today. What's the weather like where you live?
10) The rumor that I am currently writing a book is just that for the time being. I do have a friend named Anne who is though. It's not just any book.... So, please pray for her and all involved.
Burning Hearts – January 19
1 month ago