Bruce:His name is Bruce. He sits by Parker now on the school bus. I am amazed watching and listening to Parker talk about Bruce. At first, Parker thought the bus driver made a mistake in having Bruce sit by him. Now, Parker understands that it was no mistake. Please pray for Bruce... and of course, for Parker too. Oh the lessons that can be taught, caught and learned while on the school bus. (Yes... His name is not Bruce. And yes, we have forgiven him. Even Parker's mommy.)
Open House:Parker is in public school. Last night was his open house. As we were walking around the intermediate school, I saw several faces I recognized. They recognized me too. One of the best parts of ministry is helping others with the most basic needs. And while I do represent our local church body.... I better represent Christ first and foremost. Joy:Yesterday morning was Bible study class. I count it all joy to be in this study right now. Is it easy? No. Is it worth it? Absolutely. Thank you again for all who have committed to pray for me, the ladies, and the study. I felt those prayers yesterday in a mighty way as His Spirit flowed. Sheer joy.Signed,Beyond Thankful in Texas