This morning I was praying about what to post. I knew it was to be on "Safety vs Dangerous"... Funny enough? A dear friend of ours (Bill - aka cycleguy) posted a video on his blog that his daughter (Tami) had sent him.
You can check it out by clicking on the title of this post.
While you're there.. drop Bill a comment and tell him I sent you if you have a moment.
Why is it funny that our dear friend Bill posted this video on a morning when I was going to post on "safety vs dangerous"???? We've never met face to face. YET! We only know each other through blogging and emails and PRAYERS. And yet, the connection is that of Real Family. Why? Because of God. How? God's love.
I'm often asked about why I pray dangerous prayers and why I talk about our sons being "brothers in Christ" being more important than our children. Not long ago I had a few people upset with me that I said I would have been disappointed in Austin if he had not gone in to that liquor store in Belize. He knew God wanted him to go in to that liquor store. To not go would have been "playing it safe!"
This past weekend - we had our annual "Kindness Explosion" where we showed God's love all over this town and surrounding communities most of which are "highly secure gated communities"... (read: people live inside the gates just like outside.)I could share tons of stories with you about how we saw God move because of individuals willing to not play it safe! I could also share about a wreck that happened.. (Tip: When using signs to advertise "Free Car Washes!" watch where drivers might be needing to stop and/or turn.) Fortunately, no one was hurt!
If you're a Christ-follower...
God didn't call us to live a life of safety!
He didn't call us to stay locked up in our homes.
He called us to be lifestyle missionaries - each and every single one of us.
Wherever life takes you - share God's love! Use words if necessary!
As always, dear reader, you've been prayed for!
Much love,
PS: And if you're reading this and you are not a Christ-follower... I hope you notice God today no matter your circumstances!
Burning Hearts – January 19
1 month ago