Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day. A Wedding Ring.

Father's Day:

One of my favorite memories of my daddy is surprising to some. It actually came at the end of his moments that made up his dash. It was when I realized he had taken his final breath. After announcing to all there he was gone.... I walked out into the hallway and threw my hands up in the air and worshipped and praised God and was full of thanksgiving.

This may sound strange to some... hang with me here... daddy had been convinced that if he could just get out of the bed and go to the bathroom - he would be able to get out of the hospital and go home. We started referring to the bathroom as "The Promised Land." The bed was the desert and he was wandering. And man oh man.... let me tell you... keeping daddy in that bed at times took four of us. He could not be left alone for even a moment. There were times when daddy did not know best. Fortunately, God does. Therefore, Father Knows Best.

Upon his last breath in that physical body - daddy's Spiritual life and living had never been more real. That's why I say, as thankful as I am for having been physical healed myself in 2003, my daddy received the Ultimate Healing. He ran his race and crossed the finished line. My daddy was a servant of and for God - Our Real Father...... the most important relationship we can ever have.

One thing that my daddy and my hubby definitely agreed upon - Living for God is the Only Way to truly Live. I am exceedingly grateful that the two most important men in my life knew/know the secret to real success. For success in life is not found in climbing the corporate ladder or the creating the last and greatest gadget. Although - in of themselves - there is nothing wrong with that. Success is found in trusting and following God no matter how many moments there are in-between the dash. It is in realizing that Life is about Him.

Speaking of my hubby..... I'm telling on him here... last night he had the hardest time going to sleep. He normally is in however many services we have on Sunday mornings. This morning - he was going to be teaching a Bible study class. And the very thought of opening The Word and unpacking it for those who would be listening had him all excited. Let me tell you.... That's why he is my hubby right there! And I've never been more thankful that he is the earthly dad to our three sons. Time and time again - he points them to their Real Father. And all three know who their Real Father is and can share with you about Him and His Free Love.

A Wedding Ring:

In history, June 15th marked a special day in the lives of two individuals. It is because of that day and the love those two individuals shared that I wear a certain wedding ring on my left hand. Please note here that Brother G and I got married on August 19th, 1989. The ring I wear is the one that my daddy placed on my mother's hand on the day they got married all those years ago. Having lost my own wedding rings a few years ago... my mother gave me her rings to wear instead of them staying in a box until she's taken her final breath.

I purposefully mention the wedding rings for this reason.... even though times have changed greatly since the day they were placed on her finger and then on mine... One thing has remained the same. God is still God and He is unchanging even in the midst of change.

And I dance today because I am able. My Father is truly my Audience of One. I do not have to dance with prince charming because I dance with The King whether seemingly alone or in the arms of my husband or with Austin, Travis and Parker.

To all you dads out there - you were just prayed for!

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