Monday, July 7, 2008

On Marriage.... in Ministry..

Brother G has left for the day.... He is in a meeting this morning in another city. As he was preparing to walk out the door..... we held hands and prayed. And we both got misty..... yes, that is safe to say.

I'm often asked how does it work when both the spouses have been called to ministry... are surrendered to God. For us, we cannot imagine it any other way. I think at times the one thing that most do not understand is that we truly are a team. I will follow that man of mine any where..... even if it were to mean giving up parts of what has been ministry for me thus far.... For like Brother G flat out told a church back a few months ago.... For us... it's God first... our marriage second... and then our sons... Any other order - he is not the man for that church...

As Brother G prayed this morning.... he talked about being broken vessels in The Father's hands. He also talked about how thankful we are for how our marriage continues to grow and strengthen over time. As we stood there holding hands - I had my head leaned up against his chest..... and I could hear his heartbeat. And I know without question whom it truly beats for.... I would not want to be first any moment of the day. Nor would he for me....

For you see.... one thing Brother G and I believe 100% - the most important relationship any one can ever have is with The Father..... with Jesus.... I do not complete Brother G... nor does Brother G complete me... nor do our sons... or any other thing we possibly ever do.

If marriage is to not only to survive the pressures of ministry but truly thrive..... The Father as the head of the triangle is a necessity.... not a luxury.


Kevin Bussey said...

Interesting post. Cassandra shocked me a few years ago when I was trying to protect her in the church. She said, "have you ever thought God has called me to do this?" Actually, I had not. I was trying to protect her but God had called her to do what she does in every church. People would rather talk to her than me and I don't blame them. I would too.

Anonymous said...

So blessed by this