Sunday, August 26, 2007

Trav, his dad and the Smithee

They are on their way to the Ranger game courtesy of a certain pitcher that the Smithee knows.

Remember I said what a HUGE Texas fan Trav is.... Yep..... He's going to a Ranger/Mariner game all decked out in what else..... Texas gear... and not the Ranger type.... lol

This is totally cool... Trav is our sports nut. His dad loves him so much that he literally stopped being the lawn pastor to be his 13 year-old son's dad when we got the call at 4:30 p.m.

As I said.... they are on their way NOW. Yes, I know school starts tomorrow at 8:25 a.m. A boy is only thirteen once in his life..... There are times when going to bed late is acceptable... and priceless.. You should have seen Trav's smile!

Thank You Lord for the blessings that come out of the blue when we're least expecting them. Thank you for the Smithee, his wife, their daughters and some pitcher too!

And thank You Lord that for as much as Trav's dad loves him... YOU love him even more.

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