Saturday, April 12, 2008

Kindness Explosion 08!!!!!!

It's here! Love Granbury - Kindness Explosion 08!!!! What a gathering we had last night at GFUMC. Just Like Jonah was fantastic. They did a great job leading us in worship. "Mattness" gave us our marching orders to remember that it doesn't end tonight. It is to continue every single day. (Actually someone else had already said it... Scripture!) Today we're going out into Granbury and the surrounding areas and sharing/showing His love through acts of kindness. Lincness is producing more videos. The body in action!!!!

If you are not able to participate with us - please pray. Last count there are 10 "churches" represented. The same God!!!!! The G family cannot wait to share His love that He has so richly given us. Huge thanks to Micky, Shelley, Ryan, Cari, Linc, and etc..... It is a sheer blessing ministering with each of you. We love you!!

Watch for testimonies to come. Make today count wherever you are!

Today - just like every single day is a great day to serve the Lord by serving others.

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