Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Little Acts Add Up!

As Christ followers, we are called to be His hands and feet. That is what Love Granbury helps represent - the hands and feet in action! Little acts add up. Seeds planted.

  • 1676 free drinks given out in different locations all over Granbury
  • 504 homemade cookies baked, bagged and delivered to the jail, juvenile center, admin building and etc.
  • 12 widow houses received services such as lawn mowed, windows cleaned, repairs made and etc.
  • The houses in CC, IH, and CH received fliers with details about Healthy Kids. These are not your typical gated communities. Access was granted due to the nature of the fliers and the hearts of those delivering them.
  • Full service gas station, groceries bagged and taken out for customers at one local grocery stores. 600 free gift cards were given out.
  • 154 people ages 2 to 69 participated from our body alone.

More testimonies to come. Stay tuned.

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