Monday, January 28, 2008

Necessary Losses... All Gain!

Yesterday was it...

We said goodbye to our old ways of doing worship services and Sunday morning Bible studies.

They were necessary losses. Gone are the days of services at 8:00, 9:25, and 10:50 a.m. with different worship styles. They have and will continued to be grieved as they should... And then we need to truly get about moving on....

The changes happening with our services are yet another example of how God is working in the hearts and minds of our leadership, members, attenders, - the whole body.

The G family can't wait to see who is yet to come..

Can't wait to see their faces and say, "Welcome."

There are times when we experience necessary losses that truly are all gain.

We walk with you knowing not how long we will stay and yet thankful for the journey thus far.


Anonymous said...

Big changes, huh? I love change, and I hate change all at the same time...blerg!

Btw, still praying for David

Cameyg said...

Yep, big changes. Definitely understand the love/hate of it...

Thanks Bryan.