"I had an awesome time even though it was just passing out water and fliers. The look on people's faces when we told them that the water was free because God loved them, one man was speechless. Another one was so happy because someone had pumped her gas and now she was getting free water! This was one of the my best memories ever! God really took over Granbury today."
Danielle C. - 15 years old
(Fliers - During the summer months we have a ministry called Healthy Kids. It provides free lunches for any one age 18 and under at designated spots all around Granbury 5 days a week whether rain or shine. That's what the flier was about.)
Note from Camey: I had asked several of the teens to write a testimony about today. Danielle had this written within the first 5 minutes we were back at the physical church building. That's how excited she was/is! More to come......
Burning Hearts – January 19
5 days ago