Saturday, January 12, 2008

Saturday Funnies.

Parker's response to me about his snack:

"It takes like it expired. It has a bad after taste."

Fortunately for him... he was talking about store bought pudding.

*This Just In.... Parker and I just made cookies. His response - "They're perfect."

Brother G gets yelled at:

Brother G goes to the car wash after taking Austin to work... Suddenly he hears...

"HEY? ARE YOU FEELING BETTER?" as a woman starts to drive off.

Fortunately for him... she was yelling at him out of concern because he's been sicky.

This has been brought to you by: Heylaughterisworththesmile

Lifestyle Missionaries.

There's this woman that I've had the incredible privilege of knowing for a couple of years now. Yesterday, she had some news to deliver. This news was answers to prayers prayed for her and her husband some time ago now and yet will still continue in prayer and praise. Throughout our conversation, it reminded me all the more about being lifestyle missionaries.

Brother G and I were just discussing about how this is hardly thought of any more... In our compartmentalized world, we have put things into boxes - into time slots if you will. This being for that day and hour but not to overlap with this other area of our lives. Lifestyle missionaries..

One day this week I was asked about our traveling to east Texas for Brother G to preach. The individual did not understand how he could do such a thing or how our family could go with him. That our place is with the local church body.... only with this particular body. And while there is a part of human nature that makes one feel good about that for a moment... the moment flees when really thinking about it deeper.

Yes, Brother G and I are in vocational ministry.... but our mission is not only for one particular group of individuals who gather together at certain hours on given days. At times it does mean traveling to other places and sharing His Good News there. Being missionaries in foreign places does not always mean traveling overseas.

Does it make for a wild and crazy life? Yes... And frankly, we would have it no other way.

Our prayer is that more would consider what being lifestyle missionaries is truly about....

For His Word... His kingdom is not about just one day a week in one place.

Where is life taking you today? This moment? And who will you meet? Who will they see?

If His church is truly being His.... we should all be lifestyle missionaries.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Piano Music. Songs of Joy.

Sitting here at the desk, I can hear piano music playing in our Wee school.

At the moment, I find myself with songs of joy for seeing, hearing, smelling and tasting Him.

For answers to prayers prayed long ago and some as new as yesterday...

Who writes the music of your moments?

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Her Name is Elisha.

What happened with her last night...

The Light on the hill...

She came straight there last night from jail. Yes... from jail.

Because of the Light on the hill. The Light that can be seen all over...

Elisha's coming is clear evidence... The sign is right...

God moving ahead!

And I am at a real loss for written words... the tears still flow even thinking about it.

Her coming was just a part of what happened last night. Yes, on a Wednesday night....

Thank You Lord for Elisha and Wednesday nights!

Light on the Hill.

What took place at our local physical church building last night still has me at a loss for written words...

Please stay tuned.. or if you're a local - I'll be thrilled to share with you in person or via the phone.

"Light on the hill."

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

At A Loss for Words.

What an unbelievable night! From start to finish... Unbelievable....

I'm at a loss for words.

Stay tuned....

Nickels. Dimes. Quarters.

Austin and I just returned from the bank. He had a deposit to make into his savings account, a certificate to show he had completed an on-line smart credit course, and had some loose change he wanted to get out of his way. He thought there was around $10.00. He was wrong.

It amounted to $37.58

Now to some that may be pocket change. To others that might be the world...

It definitely was a lesson for Austin and his mother on nickels, dimes, and quarters.

He now has been issued the challenge to do some thing for someone else with that money.

What are nickels, dimes, and quarters really worth to you?

High Heels. Raspberries.

High Heels:

This morning as I reflect back upon yesterday... I have to praise the Lord for high heels. The women's ministry of our local church body had its kick-off for this semester's offerings. As a part of my visual aid for the marriage class that I am teaching.. I was dressed in a skirt and had all of my hair down straight. Skirts for me almost always mean high heels. I mean high, high heels.

The women were given the opportunity to come to each table and sign up for whichever offering best suited their needs or want. I saw her walking towards me and began to smile. I had not seen this friend in a few months. She introduced the woman that was with her and began to share with her about my story..... She especially pointed out the fact that I was wearing high heels. The woman started rubbing her arms because she had the shivers... She then explained to me..

She had a child that had a form of muscular dystrophy. He died 5 years ago.. In May of 2008, it will be 5 years since I was completely healed. She welled up with tears at the fact that not everyone who has a form of muscular dystrophy dies. And I have never been so thankful to be wearing high heels on a Tuesday morning. And yes, I have the reputation of even running in them in the parking lot racing Parker to the van.


Tonight starts the parenting class that Brother G and I are teaching. So as a part of studying up on the subject of parenting again... I did what I thought would yield the best research for this time of the day..

I walked into their room... went over to their bunk beds. Sat on the lowest bunk and gave Parker raspberries on his back to wake him up. Laughter is a great way to wake that kid up!

Praise You oh Lord for the gift of high heels and raspberries!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Speaking of Sticky Notes.

Please pray for Bill. He is a co-worker of Inez.

Thank you!

Prediction #2 Lives!

On January 1st, I posted Predictions for 08

Last night the leadership for our local church body gathered together for an in-depth look at our past, present and future. It was one of the best gatherings Brother G and I have been a part of during our time here.

Each person was given a sticky note, an agenda, and told to find a seat that fit their leadership position. The room was filled with chairs set up in circles with tags designating positions. Each circle had at least one position from all the various groups. That's how unity can truly start to take place!

There was opportunity for real discussion to take place. Heartfelt discussion... Passion-filled! It is evident that real change is taking place. Not starting six months from now.. or next year.. but it is happening now. Sunday will definitely show that! If you're a local.... you will not want to miss this Sunday.

Brother G and I encourage our local church body to continue to pray and seek His guidance! We encourage each person to ask God how you can be an active part of what is happening. Where you need to get involved.... and then for you to do it! Can't wait to hear testimonies of how God grows and stretches and lives are truly impacted for His kingdom alone.

And we ask that you continue to pray for us as individuals and as a family. We will be in east Texas again this Sunday.

Changes are happening. God is stretching us like never before.

Prediction #2 lives because He does!!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Prayer Requests. RQM.

Prayer Requests:

1) Joe, Sandy & family - not local

2) Laura - back in the hospital

3) MG - double knee surgery

4) B family - not local

5) C family - not local

6) Local church body as transition continues

7) The church body where we were yesterday - not local

8) Woman looking for a place to stay.


Really quiet moments are nice.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Thank You..

Thank you to all who have said you will be praying for Brother G and our family today.

And we're praying for each of you, wherever you may be found this moment!