That quote was used last night at a graduation ceremony my family was at. I frankly do not remember who said it as I was struck by it so intensely at the moment. And this morning, as I sat down to write... it fit as the title! Funny how that happens.
This past week, we received a letter that we are needing to have a meeting about Parker's absences. And while it got this "Mama Bear" in a roar for a brief period of time... I am not at all concerned about it. I stand by not being a "fan" of the public school system. But I remain grateful and thankful for it as well. Again, funny how that can happen.
It did make me think about the past. Especially our decision to take Austin out of public school back when he was in the 7th grade. I remember so clearly walking into the school office and saying, "I'm here to withdraw Austin. He is going to be homeschooled." I remember the looks on the faces of the women I had come to know by first names and voices as well as by faces. I was told, "From what we've known about your family over the years, we would have been disappointed if you had NOT made this decision. Austin is too smart of a kid to be held back because of absences. If we can help you in any way - we are here for you!" We started homeschooling the very next day. The very next one...
Funny thing about homeschooling Austin? That was my plan all along. I never had any intentions of him or any of our sons (3 total - Travis and Parker too) going to public school. Fortunately, I was so incredibly wrong. WHAT??? Did I just say I was "incredibly wrong"??? Yes, I did and with a deep smile on my face too! For homeschooling our sons was not God's plan. His plan is always better than mine. Any single day.
Homeschooling all 3 sons would not have been possible during the years I was ill. Notice - it was after being healed in 03 that I was allowed to homeschool him. And in him being homeschooled - he has had opportunities that would not have been possible otherwise! Especially after moving to where we live currently and then becoming a part of a "homeschooling co-op" at our physical church building. God's paint brush strokes are so evident on that. The picture is filled with bright colors and immense details. After much prayer & discussion, Austin will be finishing high school at the end of this December. Not possible if he had remained in public school. Make no mistake about it though.. not all who attend the "homeschooling co-op" are Christ-followers or have any real local church association other than they come to a building known as one 3 days a week.
Travis and Parker at one time had been asked if they wanted to be homeschooled too after I was completely healed physically in 03. They did not want to be. Why? As lifestyle missionaries - they wanted to remain a light in public schools. And they are! I could share story after story... but God knows all those. And that's enough for me/us.
Austin surrendered to full-time ministry and God well over a year ago now. He has had the opportunities to develop skills in sound, lighting, video, and etc. during our years with our current church. He has taught Bible classes, gone on trips to share God's love, shared God's love here locally, and has discipled and mentored younger guys as well. Just to name a portion. And yes, I am saying, "current church" on purpose.
Life's moments are the classroom. Each and every single one of them. As Christ-followers we were never told to turn over the education of one or all of our children to someone else completely... God is The Foremost Teacher as in/through Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit and of course His Living Word - The Bible. Parents are next - whether good or bad or in-between. The church should be next. And then any other ones. It is not up to the public school system, a homeschool co-op, a private school or the church alone to educate our sons. That is not God's plan.
I am so thankful for the lessons I've learned as a result of three sons that God entrusted to this silly woman and my goofy hubby. For He knew how much we would have to rely on Him and get on our knees! And put band aids on knees too. He knew the tears, the laughter, and etc. Priceless education!
So, as the G family is "living forward" and is in prayer about it.... we remain grateful for what we have been taught backwards. For those who are praying with us and for us... thank you for investing in our family and God's kingdom!
As always, dear reader, dangerous prayers have been said on your behalf!
Much love,
Burning Hearts – January 19
5 days ago