Friday, August 24, 2007

Testimony - Daniel S.

While in Pikeville Kentucky I was given the opportunity to meet some of the friendliest people I might ever come in contact with. The people of the hills of Kentucky are not rich. By most American standards they are considered very poor. However, besides their lack of material possessions, they do not show it. It was a real blessing for me to spend a week with people who, even though they have little, live as though they have everything. We did repairs on the house of a widow named Ms. Bevins. Her house was in bad shape. The mountain was literally about to fall on it, and her patio was so rotted that a few of us fell through it at times. Yet even though she had no money or nice things, she had a smile on her face and a great attitude. Her generosity went beyond what she was even reasonably capable of giving. An example being the three meals she cooked for us even though she was not required, let alone financially able to provide anything for us. It was clear to see where her generosity came from, for just as the widow with three mites, she gave to serve her Lord. After introducing ourselves as from Texas she asked us if we were from the area that had been experiencing flooding and upon hearing that we were expressed how glad she was that we were ok and that she had been praying every day for the victims of the Texas flooding. It was amazing to see how God worked it out that before we even arrived to help Ms. Bevins she had been praying for us not knowing we were the ones who would be coming.

Daniel S.

People. Life. Living. Loving.

People: Park and I saw hundreds yesterday. The contacts made, doors opened, and etc..... Not to mention the hugs from some of the little children we met through Healthy Kids. It was a great way to utilize 4 hours of a day. At one point, a man walked up to me while I was talking with a woman. I thought he wanted to speak with her. He didn't. After the woman walked away, the man said to me, "You're Larry's daughter aren't you?" He then went on to share with me about his friendship with my dad. He talked about the fact that he still misses him every single day. We hugged a couple of times. He said, "One thing I always appreciated about your dad was the initiative he took in inviting people to do things.. like play golf." He then proceeded to talk about the fact that he doesn't play much any more because no one ever really calls him to. This is where it's funny... I then said, "This is where I am like my dad was... Why don't you take the initiative yourself?" He hugged me again with huge tears in his eyes. And we both laughed. Park and I are thankful and grateful for the privilege and blessing of being a part of yesterday's huge community event.

Life: Grandma and the three grandsons that live with her went to one of the golf courses in our highly secure gated community this morning. The boys all wanted to play some golf. You should have seen the purple golf cart driving out of the driveway with the four of them. I'm not sure who was smiling more.... While there, Austin saw one of his sponsors for mission trip. They also saw several of their adult friends... Golf? I don't claim to understand the attraction to the game itself.... I do understand about the friendships that can be made as a result. Our lives are full of them from all over the US. Yet, it never really has been about golf. For those who don't know.... my parents had a golf ministry. Mom will say that she still does and the boys do too.

Living: Please make note of the names that post here. As I've stated before... different people have been and will continue to be invited to post here. These are individuals who are a part of living life in the ways in which we're connected. God is good!

Loving: Earlier the lawn pastor and I were talking about what I was going to be cooking for dinner before he headed off. He loving said to me, "You know? I think we need to invite your mom and Hoover to eat dinner with us." Hoover had surgery earlier this week.... and there's this running thing about casseroles. As a part of loving my husband, my mother and even Hoover..... I will be fixing and serving dinner to seven tonight. Actually? I think it all has more to do with the love of God.

People. Life. Living. Loving. - Do you give thanks every day for each of these?

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Prayer Request

Please pray for Noel and her family. Noel attends SFA and was hit by a truck. Her parents are members of our church.

More details as I get them. Request via Katie.

Rumor Report!

Rumor has it that our SP, John, was seen in his workout clothes last night. It has been reported by a couple of the students in the student ministry that this was "just plain weird."

The rumor is true. The report is true. "Just plain weird".... well, personally, I think if he were to wear his workout clothes on Sunday morning... now THAT would be "just plain weird."

This has been a public service announcement.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Conversations. Laughter. Excitement.

Late this afternoon, I set out on the golf cart. There are some women and men around the highly secure gated community who I visit from time to time. Frankly? It was overdue. Here's just a tad of the adventure...

1) A wild kitty cat. She was determined that she needed to play with my foot while talking with one of her owners. It didn't stop us from having a really good heartfelt conversation.

2) A man hiding out in his home office because he couldn't come out..... Even though I was technically visiting his wife... I had a question to ask him before I left. Let's just say that I never saw his face... just heard his voice. His wife and I just laughed when we realized why he couldn't come out. He didn't have any pants/shorts in that room. That's what people get for working at home in their underwear! (And no..... I won't be sharing his name... well, except that I shared it with hubby of course.)

3) There were two men standing in a yard talking. I thought to myself that one would immediately call hubby upon seeing me drive by. Sure enough...... Good thing I was in the golf cart..... I couldn't have possibly been speeding.

4) Excitement...... Well, actually that occurred after I left the highly secure gated community this evening. Been given permission to go somewhere tomorrow and do something that I had been praying about! I know many others have been praying about it as well. Keep praying!

Speaking of prayers...... The woman of the house just returned. She drove some today and plans on driving some tomorrow too. While I enjoy being a chauffeur among the many hats I wear and am thankful to do so.... Her driving any at all is an answer to prayers. Keep praying!

Why Don't I Part II

Okay.. Now I'm truly having to laugh...... I had just finished writing that last all too important post when Park came into the room.....

Why don't I take them to the driving range? I did... I did....

Life is weird people. Two out of the three boys had no interest in playing golf just a couple of days ago. Austin found his clubs in the attic yesterday. We thought his grandpa had sold them over a year ago. Guess he thought either Austin would change his mind about playing golf and would want them or that they would serve Trav's needs one day. It is a blessing that he did not sell them.

As the three boys were getting out of the golf cart..... a man walked up and gave them the rest of his bucket of balls. They then proceeded to line up in order from oldest to youngest and started smacking away..... I sat in the purple golf cart in the shade just smiling. While I do not have a golfing bone in my entire body.....

Life is a gift that keeps on giving even when it is least expected.

Why Don't I?

The last couple of days I've been asked why don't I __________. For those who have asked or are wondering here ya go.......

1) Why don't I share the lessons I teach on Sunday mornings here on the blog? That's not what I am supposed to do at this time. That may change but not for right now.

2) Why don't I share more about the girls/women in my group? I do as I think it is appropriate for me to do so.

3) Why don't I write the book? Again...... The book isn't to be written yet. I'm good with that.

4) Why don't I share more about grief and grieving? We all express and experience these differently. I do share at times and other times silence is more golden.

5) Why don't I work for certain organizations/ministries? Because they require traveling and that is not something that my family needs right now.

Okay... Now look at your own lives and ask yourself..... Why don't I _________? Otherwise... I might have to ask you....... (read: laugh people... life is a gift)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Testimony - Krystal H

wow....its hard to sum it all up into one big story. God has done amazing things for me lately, and always had just i havent always noticed it was a good thing. Well...i have grown up in church all my life. My parents didnt have a very good childhood, and wanted to make sure that we got that experience they never did. When i went to student life camp this year, God just amazed me. He opened my eyes, and i have never felt so connected to him. I got the chance to get a lot closer to some of the youth that i never really talked to. He just spoke to my heart, and made me realize i needed to stop doing some of the things i was doing. I had a hard time for awhile with God. I was one of those people who just thought the bible was just another book, and what if all this heaven and hell stuff is just some myth people believed in? Well i got some help. My mom found some things that really helped me. I didnt want to believe that God loved me, because of all the rejection i have had in the past. But i know God loves me. Its hard each and every day to make sure I'm living my life the way i should be. Many of you know that I live at HHF. That has been a whole new struggle and experience in itself. Even though i gave MANY things up when i moved, i believe this is where i should be. I think lots of people need me here. One of the things i still struggle with is accepting that God has to test my faith. That has been the hardest thing for me. But I'm reading the bible more and more each day. I have a lot of questions, but I'm trying to figure them out still keeping in mind that I'm never going to know all the answers. God is just amazing. Mission Trip was a very good thing for me. It was fun and exciting getting to see God work through us and through the little things. For example, like when we were able to cut all the pieces of our house perfectly to fit in place. I now have a new view on "when things go bad". On mission trip, Shelley was supposed to get us vans so we could drive around and get to the places where we needed to go. But God had a different plan. One of the other churches offered to help us in that situation. They said they felt it was God's calling to drive us around. I just think to myself....if we would have had our own vans, that other church wouldn't have felt like they did what God wanted them to. Then they ended up having a whole other crew of their won to help us finish our house, and they had all the other supplies with them that we couldn't bring with us. So the job got done a lot easier, and we all thought that we weren't able to do anything. Now when something goes wrong, i just think to myself....well there is a reason this didnt turn out. God has a better thing planned. If you don't listen to God, he has this funny way of putting things in front of you until you listen to him. It takes a lot longer, but in the end you will end up doing what he asked you to in the first place, plus all the things you went through. So save yourself some hard times, and listen to God the first time he asks you to do something. He knows what hes talking about. Another thing on mission trip that was JUST AMAZING was that our whole youth group got along. We fell out of our normal "clicks" and just all had fun together. Now our youth group is ONE WHOLE. I love it! I thank God for these trips we get to have to serve him, and get closer together as a family of one. Lakeside has made me feel so much better and welcome. I never had a church like that. Youth group is a MAJOR part of my life and my heart. I don't know what i would do without you guys. I love you so much, and thanks for being there for me. I'm still learning and listening to what God has to teach me. It's fun and exciting, and I've never been so connected with God. I love him with all my complete everything. Another thing he has taught me is not to worry about who you are going to be with. He will give you someone when the time is right. True friendship is the most important of all. Be patient...don't rush into things. True love waits when the love's for real. The choice is in HIS hands....

Thank you,
Krystal H (JEREMIAH 29:11)

Monday, August 20, 2007

Whispered and Shouted.

Our trip to Amarillo last week was definitely successful. The Lord really used the time we were away to speak into our lives. The time with hubby's parents was good for all of us. His dad was sick... yet.. especially with that..... His presence was felt... no doubt... Just as it is sitting here right now... this moment...

When hubby first suggested that we go to his folks' to see them and as a vacation... I must confess - I was not excited. Hubby kept gently talking to me about it.... HE changed my heart with whispers. Little did I know what the week would hold.... Man, I love it when that happens.

I am a mother to three boys and yet have also been in a season of being like a mother to my own mother. For those of you who keep telling me to put her in "time out" - I know you understand what I mean. Going to Amarillo meant not being here for days/nights.... My weaknesses were totally dependent upon His mercy. What's new there??

On our very first night there.... hubby took a walk with Park, his mom, and the dogs. I sat on the balcony alone with the night air gently blowing.... Little did I know what the Lord was truly up to.... It is like peeling back layers of an onion. It can smell... make one cry... and yet can be used for recipes to satisfy the soul... Man, I love it when He exposes yet another layer...

While out on their walk, they came upon a man and his wife. Park and his grandmama returned. Hubby didn't for a while. In truth... I got a little tick. I faced it later.... I was being selfish. Here we were on this trip that I hadn't really wanted to take and hubby was off somewhere. I should have known there were reasons why.... HE always knows better than I do....

We spent time over the course of being there with this man, woman, her mom who lives with them and their twin sons. I won't share all about them except to say this..... they had been completely turned off from God. Yet, by the time we said goodbye to them on Thursday night.... hugs were given all around and the "Your family is welcome here any time" was said to us.

We ventured out numerous times to look around Amarillo and to shop. Some of the time we had the boys with us and other times it was just hubby and his wife. We all enjoy going to Lifeway stores. We truthfully can spend hours there if we're not careful. I had passed by a section on our first trip in there and had seen some material that I thought looked like a possibility for my group. When hubby and I were sent out of the house on Friday so grandmama and the boys could make our anniversary cake - I finally decided to purchase said material. I started reading it and without a doubt - will be using it..... In fact, I started talking with the girls about it yesterday morning. It was the deepest class we've had as of yet... Hmmmm the trip that I really hadn't wanted to take ended up yielding something that I had been looking for and praying about... Man, He is soooooo good like that.

As I mentioned in the first paragraph, Art was sick while we were there. He wasn't just sick... He had pneumonia. I knew he had it when sitting at the table for dinner that first night - I could hear that all too familiar sound. And he didn't get onto me for feeding Sarah and Sally under the table. Park said to me at one point.... "I'm not scared of you getting sick any more mom." Hubby used to freak out when I was around anyone who was sick... especially with pneumonia that once was the great enemy. It's amazing how an enemy can turn into more blessings and some of the greatest learning moments of life and living. God is so loving that way.....

Where we live..... we do the cleaning, cooking and etc. This past week... I wasn't allowed to do any of that. Neither really was hubby.... This was good for us. Weird and hard at times and yet good for us. It was a vacation in those areas. It truthfully caught me off guard. Man, I love it when He surprises me like that. It was refreshing.... and yet, as strange as it may sound... I came away appreciating cleaning and cooking even more. Now THAT has to be Him.....

Our time with hubby's parents went the best it has in years. They had asked us to come and visit them. I had to ask forgiveness for not wanting to go when their asking was definitely an answer to many, many prayers prayed. Confession and forgiveness are tremendous blessings... and do more for life and living than we can honestly ever truly grasp.

There were times of shouting... One night as we sat on the back porch which happens to be on a ladies' tee box of the golf course they live on.... Sarah was let off her leash... and boy did she ever run after those rabbits! Watching her run free and then come back when her master shouted for her to return to him.... Volumes spoken... and heard clearly.

These were just some of the moments... And I am thankful and grateful beyond measure..... More to come.....

What is He whispering and shouting in your own life?

Sunday, August 19, 2007


There's a rumor going around that I was seen carrying some gorgeous flowers today....

That rumor is true. Today is our 18th wedding anniversary. More to come this week on love and marriage....

A Blessed Wife